Earthquake Dynamics in Nigeria: Insights, Challenges, and Preparedness Measures

Zakka, Lumi and Wuyep, Lungfa Collins and Monday, Isogun Adeyemi and Kadiri, Umar Afegbua and Thomas, Habila Yusuf and Ogugua, Ezisi Pius and Ahmad, Hassan Ahmad and John, Idachaba Siaka and Ezekiel, Wazhi Ponnak and Gambo, Shomgwan (2024) Earthquake Dynamics in Nigeria: Insights, Challenges, and Preparedness Measures. Asian Journal of Geological Research, 7 (1). pp. 58-73.

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Nigeria is not a country chiefly linked with earthquake. However, there have been records of earthquake occurrences in the past. This dismissed the old believe that the country was aseismic. Even though Nigerian’s seismic activity lies between moderate and low, seismicity in the county is not evenly distributed. The primary reason for the low occurrence of earthquakes in Nigeria is due to its location on the African continental plate, which is responsible for the tectonic activity. Most earthquakes occur at plate boundaries, where two plates meet and interact with each other. Earthquakes are a common occurrence in many parts of the world, and understanding their behavior is essential for predicting and mitigating their effects. This paper aims at addressing common questions pondered upon by Nigerians; what is earthquake? Is Nigeria susceptible to earthquake? Why is there earthquake in Nigeria? How and when does earthquake occur? It also torch light the instrumentation and management technique employed by the Centre for Geodesy and Geodynamics, National Space Research and Development Agency. Further, it highlights some safety measures to be observed before, during and after such a disaster. Since Nigeria is not entirely free from seismic activity, the country has been taking steps to improve its seismic monitoring and preparedness capabilities.

Item Type: Article
Subjects: Eprints AP open Archive > Geological Science
Depositing User: Unnamed user with email
Date Deposited: 21 Feb 2024 09:14
Last Modified: 21 Feb 2024 09:14

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