The Impact of Social Media on Agricultural Youth: Empowering the Next Generation in India

Kumar, Ashish and Yadav, Ramawtar and Saikanth, D. R. K. and Tripathi, Gagan and Sharma, Akanksha and Meinam, Martina and Shukla, Anoop (2023) The Impact of Social Media on Agricultural Youth: Empowering the Next Generation in India. Asian Journal of Agricultural Extension, Economics & Sociology, 41 (10). pp. 260-267. ISSN 2320-7027

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Agriculture has evolved significantly over the centuries, with the role of agricultural youth playing a crucial role in shaping the future. These young individuals, aged 18 to 35, represent energy, innovation, and potential in the sector. Engaging them in agriculture is vital for food security, economic development, and sustainable rural livelihoods Social media has become a powerful tool for agricultural youth, empowering them to disseminate knowledge and facilitate continuous learning. Platforms like YouTube, Instagram, and Facebook have become repositories of agricultural expertise, providing resources on diverse topics like sustainable farming practices and precision agriculture techniques. Online communities, like the "Young Farmers" subreddit, foster a culture of collaborative learning. Social media's networking potential brings agricultural youth closer together, enhancing opportunities for collaboration, knowledge exchange, and cross-border agricultural projects. Platforms like Twitter and LinkedIn enable young farmers and enthusiasts to connect with experts, researchers, and peers worldwide. Social media also serves as a cost-effective avenue for marketing and promotion, enabling farmers to showcase their produce and interact with potential customers. Social media has also played a pivotal role in raising awareness about agricultural issues and advocating for sustainable practices, climate resilience, and policies supporting smallholder farmers. The fusion of technology and agriculture has spurred innovation and entrepreneurial ventures, with platforms like YouTube attracting investors and collaborators. Examples like "Aerofarms" demonstrate how social media can amplify the impact of agricultural innovation.

Item Type: Article
Subjects: Eprints AP open Archive > Agricultural and Food Science
Depositing User: Unnamed user with email
Date Deposited: 13 Oct 2023 11:18
Last Modified: 13 Oct 2023 11:18

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