Cadmium-Induced Testicular Damage in Wistar Rats: Protective Effects of Hibiscus sabdariffa L. Anthocyanins

Orororo, Osuvwe and Asagba, Samuel and Tonukari, Nyerhovwo and Okandeji, Ogheneovo and Mbanugo, Joseph (2018) Cadmium-Induced Testicular Damage in Wistar Rats: Protective Effects of Hibiscus sabdariffa L. Anthocyanins. International Journal of Biochemistry Research & Review, 21 (4). pp. 1-8. ISSN 2231086X

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Background: The search for potential ameliorators of Cd-toxicity is still on due to the many toxic effects of Cd including testicular damage.

Purpose: Thus the present study was designed to investigate the protective effects of Hibiscus sabdariffa L anthocyanins (HSA) on cadmium-induced testicular damage in wistar rats.

Materials and Methods: Twenty four adult male wistar rats (185±5.2g) were randomly divided into four groups and where treated for 15 days: A: control, B: Cd alone, 3 mg/kg b wt, C: HSA alone, 3 mg/kg b wt, Group 4: HSA Pre-CD: HSA (3g/ kg b wt for ten consecutive days) and Cd (3 mg/ kg b wt) for five days.

Results: Exposure to Cd caused significant (p<0.05) reduction in weight of testes compared to rats in the control group and those maintained on HSA alone. Exposure to Cd also caused significant reduction in activities of CAT and SOD and in the level of GSH in the testes accompanying increase in lipid peroxidation. However, pre-treatment of Cd-exposed rats with HSA resulted in amelioration of Cd-induced reduction in testicular weight, the activities of SOD and CAT and the level of GSH in rat testes. Administration of HSA also reduced Cd-induced testicular lipid peroxidation and could be attributed to the antioxidant properties of HSA.

Conclusion: This study confirms the role of oxidative stress in the toxicity of Cd and the potentials of HSA in protecting tissues against Cd-induced damage and implicates HSA in the reported antioxidant properties of various H. sabdariffa extracts.

Item Type: Article
Subjects: Eprints AP open Archive > Biological Science
Depositing User: Unnamed user with email
Date Deposited: 05 May 2023 12:00
Last Modified: 20 Sep 2023 08:09

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